Monitoring accesses

Non-duplicable patented keys

For maximum security, you need to have all accesses under control: server room, offices, archives, laboratories, technical rooms. Some areas require special protection and authorisation above all.

An efficient way to control accesses is monitoring the number of keys in circulation and the duplicates thereof: if the key is easy to duplicate it is difficult to have a clear picture of the copies in circulation, whereas if the key is patented and non-duplicable, then it is easy to efficiently control the duplicates and entry authorisation.

The new series 5 cylinder with patented key that comes alongside the Security Card eliminates the risk of unauthorised duplicates: you can ask for a copy of the key only by exhibiting a personal identification document alongside the Security Card to one of the authorised FT dealers.

The Security Card is a card provided alongside the cylinder/padlock and it uniquely identifies the key code and its owner. Duplication is monitored and besides being notified whenever a copy of the key is made, you will also know the number of copies in circulation.

With series 5, forget unauthorised duplicates once and for all.

Systems image for cylinders

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